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Our ministry is supported by the generous donation of time, talent, and treasure.


Your generous financial support is vital to our continued ministry together. Online donations are processed securely via PayPal.


God's work requires many hands.  If you are able to give of your time by filling a vital role in our mission, please take a moment to get in touch.


At Holy Trinity, our call to ministry is reaffirmed each Sunday as we proclaim our mission statement:

"To connect people to Jesus through love and the Word of God."

The various teams of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church make ministry happen within our church

and in our community. These programs cannot succeed without the planning and creativity

of many different people with varied abilities, gifts, and talents.  


 There is an active life here at Holy Trinity – inside and outside the church – and we invite and welcome you to get connected.  Contact the church office for more information.

"That is why we labor and strive,

because we have put our hope in the living God,

who is the Savior of all people,

and especially of those who believe."

- 1 Timothy 4:10 -

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