Worship is not a performance; it is the work of God's gathered people, and
it requires the coordinated and dedicated participation of many individuals.
Holy Trinity is blessed to have so many people willing to contribute each Sunday.
Altar Guild
Formed in 1905, The Altar Guild organizes and prepares the communion elements each Sunday, cares for the altar paraments and other items that are part of our worship experience, arranges poinsettias at Christmas and lilies at Easter, and delivers altar flowers to those who are home bound. Both women and men are welcome to be part of this group.
Assisting Ministers
The assisting minister co-leads the worship service with the Senior Pastor by reading the prayers, helping to distribute communion, and giving the dismissal. Men and women are invited to serve; training is available.
Communion Assistants
Youth, men and women serving as communion assistants help with the distribution of communion wine (either individual cups or chalice).
The crucifer carries the cross in procession at the beginning and end of special celebration worship services. Youth, men, and women of all ages can serve. Training is available.
Youth and adults can serve. Ushers greet and welcome visitors upon arrival and offer assistance. They also
distribute worship bulletins, receive the offering, and call people forward for communion.
Youth, men, and women can serve by reading the first and second scripture lessons from the lectern during the worship service. Copies of the lessons are provided in advance.
Live Stream Operators
Youth and adults, men and women of all ages can serve. Acolytes light & extinguish candles, distribute the
offering plates, and assist with communion. Training is available.