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A Coming into Being

Come, thou long-expected Jesus, born to set thy people free;

From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.

Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth thou art;

Dear desire of even nation, joy of every longing heart.

(Charles Wesley, 1744)

The Christmas season is the high point of the year for many of us. The preparation for Christmas - the decorating, the celebrations, the music and worship observances, the giving of gifts, and the gathering of families – all these rituals mark this important event in the life of our faith.

At this time of year, I often find myself saying, “It can’t be December!” or “How can another Christmas be upon us?” I feel like I am not ready for it all – the increased stress, the overly full calendar, the crowds, the frantic feeling that I can’t get it all done, or that I’m going to forget something or someone important. The demands of our culture and my own expectations overwhelm me at a time when I want to be more focused on God and the sacred events of Christmas.

I guess that’s why I really like Advent, the season of the church year preceding Christmas. Advent, liturgically speaking, is the beginning of the Christian year. It includes the four Sundays before Christmas during which we prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for the Advent, the birth of the Christ child, and his return.

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word advent as “a coming into being.” A coming into being. That’s what I’m in need of right now. I need this time of Advent to bring me into being. I need to slow down, to live in the moment, to appreciate the small things – the warmth and light of a candle flame, the quiet stillness of the dawn, the enthusiastic smiles of children. I need to prepare my heart, to make my spirit ready for the birth of the Messiah.

We all need this time of Advent to slow us down, to open our ears to God’s quiet voice, to guide us through the chaos of the consumerist culture that Christmas has become. As we make our way through this busy season let us allow God to shape our minds and hearts – to become a part of God’s “coming into being” in Jesus’ birth. †

Blessings! Pastor Becki


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