Order a Christmas poinsettia to help decorate Holy Trinity’s chancel this Christmas Eve! Fill out the form below and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the Church. Or you may use the red labeled envelopes by the Flower Chart. There will be a receptacle in the lobby for the envelopes. Make your check out to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and mark “poinsettia” on the memo line. All orders must be placed by noon on Monday, December 18. Thank you for this offering! You may pick up your poinsettia following the 7 p.m. Christmas Eve service on Sunday, December 24. The remaining poinsettias will be delivered by our Friendly Visitors to Trinity members who are shut-in, hospitalized or recovering in their homes from a hospital stay. For more information, please contact Debbie Ickes at (678) 353-7444. †
Order Form
I would like to order ______ Christmas Poinsettias priced at $15 each. NOTE: All poinsettias will be red.
Amount Enclosed______________________________________________
Please check one of the following and print it clearly. I give my poinsettia(s):
_____ in memory of _________________________________
_____ in honor of ___________________________________
_____ to the glory of God.